Throughout the US, RINOs are Working to Disenfranchise the Grassroots Conservatives – Missouri can be Added to the List
Missouri State Senator Michael Cierpiot, an Establishment Republican, is sponsoring Senate Bill 16 (SB 16); a bill which would create a weighted average voting system for Missouri Central Committees, effectively disenfranchising some committee members, while benefiting others. The apparent goal is to marginalize those Grassroot committee members living in the more rural communities, while benefiting those Republicans living in more densely populated areas where liberal ideology is more generally accepted. This process of marinizing the Grassroots appears to be happening throughout the country. First, by the lack of support the RNC has given to America First candidates, RNC not addressing election irregularities and now actively trying to marginalize the Grassroots Republican base.
Currently, Missouri voters have an option to register with a political party or simply register as “unaffiliated.” Establishment Republican Rep Peggy McGaugh is sponsoring House Bill 781, which will remove the voter’s ability to register with a party affiliation. This will allow a future candidate, affiliated with one party, to be able to “switch” parties obfuscating that individual’s historic party affiliation and essentially making it easier for a Democrat to run as a Republican.
Rep Chris Sanders, registered and elected as a “Republican” is sponsoring House Bill 31 calling for Missouri to change its definition of marriage between a man and a woman; to marriage is between two individuals. Even though the Republican platform states marriage is between a man and a women and Rep Sanders knows he is in opposition to the Republican platform, Sanders still plans to move forward with his bill. Sanders feels, regardless of how his Republican constituents feel, he will eventually get the bill to pass.
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is the son of John Ashcroft. Ashcroft senior served as the Attorney General for George W. Bush during 9/11. At that time Robert Mueller was Director of the FBI.
Jay Ashcroft has been the Secretary of State for Missouri since 2017.
Secretary Ashcroft has contracted with Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and one of Ashcroft senior staff members appears to be on the Board of Directors of ERIC. As with ERIC’s agreement with a number of states, the public is not permitted to review ERIC’s contract and this is the case with the State of Missouri and ERIC.
Per The Patriot Post’s article from August 15, 2022, titled “Democrat Operatives Control Voter Rolls in 31 States.”
“ERIC was allegedly established to help states make voter rolls more accurate,” notes2 Verity Vote, an election-integrity organization. “The primary effect of ERIC is to grow the voter rolls by converting eligible-but-unregistered (EBU) persons into registered voters. States divulge to ERIC personally identifying information of unregistered residents, including people who have declined to register for privacy reasons. FOIAs reveal that ERIC is sharing EBU records with [Facebook CEO Mark] Zuckerberg-funded CEIR [Center for Election Integrity and Research].”
The article further states: “What makes the ERIC system so destructive to voting integrity, . . . is [ERIC] doesn’t manage voter rolls in the way we’d normally expect it to. That is, [ERIC] doesn’t tighten voter rolls so much as it inflates them. Indeed, while ERIC was responsible for the purging of just three million ineligible voters from the nation’s rolls in 2020, the system identified 17 million new voters. And you can be sure that that trove of new voters didn’t come from rural areas or the evenly divided suburbs.” The new voters came predominately from the highly densely populated Democrat controlled cities.
Missouri allows illegal aliens to obtain a driver’s license. Driver’s licenses are legal government issue voter IDs; giving ERIC the ability to capture these illegal alien DMV records and place them on the state’s voter rolls.
MO Canvassers, who are residents of Missouri and being concerned about election integrity within Missouri, spoke directly with voters within the state. On May 4, 2022, MO Canvassers published a report titled “Missouri Elections are Impossible to Validate.” Some of the results of their research indicated the use of ERIC as potentially contributing factors to the lack of election integrity within the state.
MO Canvassers listed some problematic election issues to include: Missouri voter rolls are inflated, “phantom” votes were counted – while actual votes were lost. One of the conclusions, for the lack of election integrity within the state, was due to “outsiders managing and influencing Missouri elections using money, voter roll maintenance and election equipment.”
Linda Rantz, lead on MO Canvassers, Mike Lindell, State Senators Bill Eigel and Jill Carter and many concerned citizens, have spoken with Jay Ashcroft about their concerns related to ERIC, to date, Secretary Ashcroft continues to allow ERIC to operate within Missouri.
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