Luxury lingerie brand Honey Birdette bills the company as created ‘by women, for women.”
Taking a page out of the Bud Light marketing plan, which led to a nationwide boycott resulting in the reported loss of reportedly over $7 billion in market cap value in recent days, Birdette “celebrated” women by putting a biological man in lingerie in a recent ad.
In an Instagram post on Wednesday, Birdette featured a male model in their new “RUBY” 3-piece lingerie set. Model Jake DuPree poses in a red bra, panties, and red matching stockings. The caption reads, “Red curtain moment! @jakedupree stars in the RUBY 3 piece set.”
Why a biological male is wearing a bra, with no breasts to support, is anyones guess.
“A luxury lingerie brand created for women, by women” #fail @HoneyBirdette
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) April 12, 2023
It said, “UPDATE: Honey Birdette fosters an inclusive and diverse environment, and we will continue to use our voice to empower and support the LGBTQ+ community, women, and anyone who wants to feel fabulous in our lingerie.”
It also included a warning for those who don’t approve of the male wearing women’s underwear, stating, “While thoughtful and constructive discussions are important to push culture forward, hate speech and bullying will not be tolerated on our channels. Comments of this negative nature will be deleted.”
The group also added a message of support for the male model, saying, “@jakedupree, you are so talented and have our full support!”
The account also shut off comments for the post.
The post Lingerie Brand Billed as “Created By Women, For Women” Features Ad of Biological Male in Bra and Panties appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.