Major scandals involving Democrats have permeated national news in recent months. But if Chicagoans are counting on either of the city’s major newspapers, the Chicago Tribune or Chicago Sun-Times, for enlightenment, they will remain in the dark.
Wirepoints reports on the scandals the two outlets felt it unnecessary to share with readers:
Nine members of Joe Biden’s family, including some grandchildren, got paid a total of over $9 million by foreign entities, almost certainly as part of a massive influence peddling operation centered on Joe, which he repeatedly and dishonestly claims he knew nothing about;
Fifty-One top, former U.S. national security officials helped perpetrate what was the true Russia hoax — that the infamous Hunter Biden laptop was a fake planted by Russians — to help Hillary Clinton get elected.
The FBI lacked even enough evidence to start its investigation that consumed the nation for years of alleged collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s campaign, according to the report by independent counsel John Durham released earlier this month.
An entire Censorship Industrial Complex, as journalist Matt Taibbi calls it, is now at work to restrict what news you see, and the federal government is behind most of it. Here’s a must-read columnfrom earlier this month listing 50 organizations that are part of that complex.
It is no wonder that a recent Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that a majority of Americans believe the media favors Democrats and is “truly the enemy of the people.”
The survey reveals 30% of likely voters say they trust the political news they are getting while 52% say they do not trust political news.
Voters tell us the news favors Democrats over Republicans BY A 32% MARGIN.
Among independents, it is 36%.
That’s pretty overt.
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 23, 2023
The survey also reveals that 59% of American voters view the media as truly the enemy of the people.
Enemy of The People: Today we reported a new record high (59%) of American voters who view the media as enemies.
And as if preordained, the exchange below with @KariLake took place in Arizona to help commemorate the new milestone –
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 24, 2023
In fact the US ranks last among 46 countries in trust in media, a recent Reuters Institute poll found.
It is well deserved.
The post Major Chicago Newspapers Refuse to Cover Latest Democrat Scandals appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.