Jan 6er Jeffrey Sabol has been held for over 760 days without being convicted of any crimes while he awaits trial.
Jeff was recently removed from the January 6th pod in the DC jail overnight under suspicious circumstances weeks ago.
It was unclear at that time where he was sent to.
“I knew that I was going to be railroaded,” Sabol said about the unfolding situation just a few days before.
Sabol anticipated retaliation from the jail after getting embroiled in a phony disciplinary incident that got the attention of the US Marshalls and ultimately reached several members of Congress.
Bogus internal violations are repeatedly used to deprive these men of commissary, phone, and newly acquired visitation privileges, and are used against them later by prosecutors to inflict longer sentences.
But some have suffered worse fates after being removed from CCTV security monitored spaces, and the Jan 6ers of the DC jail now are concerned for his safety.
** Please consider sending some support to Jeff in his ongoing persecution here.
Although mask requirements have been removed from virtually all public spaces in DC for nearly a year, the drama started when Sabol was accused of creating a public health emergency for not wearing a mask while seated alone inside of his cell.
Ironically, Sabol—who has been stuck inside of the same small DC jail pod for more than two years, unexposed to any of his loved ones’ faces, let alone the external elements—was served a disciplinary infraction report by a guard who wasn’t wearing a mask himself.
Clown world confirmed.
When Sabol stood up for his right to a witness at the phony hearing, jail staff superseded his two minor charges with three additional more serious ones, including “inciting a riot” and “threatening conduct.”
Sadly his conduct was more of a threat to the status quo than anything else.
The US Marshalls’ attention and civil “contempt of court” charges brought by Jan 6ers, including Sabol, have been met by severe retaliation from the already hostile jail, which prefers to operate its evil under cover of darkness.
Retaliation has included: punitively withholding food and water, lacing food with unknown chemicals, cutting off electronic communication and forcing the men into long periods of isolation and deprivation.
Men who have filed grievances have been routinely punished then—instead of addressing its rampant malfeasance—ejected from the facility. Documented cases in the DC jail include:
- Ronald McAbee, who was left covered in chemical irritant for hours after an attack by correctional officers, before being removed from the facility
- Ryan Nichols, who was removed from the facility after legal filings that detailed medical negligence and physical attacks by guards were presented to the court
- Jeffrey Brown, who was placed in 24-hour isolation then removed from the facility after the court ordered the jail to comply with his Constitutional right to provide him with his discovery
- Brandon Fellows, who was taken into isolation where he was beaten while in handcuffs after filing a particularly irritating grievance, then removed from the facility
After two years of enduring human rights abuses so bad they prompted complaints with the UN—and beatings that have left others permanently maimed and blinded—the Jan 6ers of the DC jail say that they are concerned for Sabol’s safety as he remains unaccounted for.
Perhaps the jail is retaliating against him for speaking up about some of the abuses he has witnessed firsthand at the DC jail to a group of vigil-goers outside the jail earlier this month.
Sabol wrote the Gateway Pundit in February to explain this ongoing situation, which appears to have taken a turn for the worse.
His story is published here: (You can also hear his version of events on an interview here.)
On Feb 4th I was told that I had to talk to a correctional officer (CO) because, unbeknownst to me, I apparently had a deficiency report (DR). The DR had two charges on it:
- Lack of cooperation (Class II violation)
- Creating a health, safety, fire hazard (Class II violation)
Both of these violations are related to me allegedly not wearing a mask earlier in the day. (It should be noted that the CO that handed me the DR wasn’t wearing a mask—the eye in the sky pod camera will validate that claim).
When I was handed the DR, at no time did the CO inform me that I was allowed a witness during my upcoming hearing.
Then, on Feb 7th I was summoned to a hearing that was to be held in our small TV room. I entered the TV room and was met with the hearing committee which consisted of 3 people: the adjustment board member, and two corporal COs. (None of the 3 were wearing bodycams.)
At the start of the hearing the guy from the adjustment board brought out a digital audio recording device and started to record the meeting.
He then (for the digital record) announced his name and the name of the two corporals. (I didn’t catch their names at that time). He then asked me to state my name for the record – which I did.
He then asked me how I pled. I said “Not Guilty.”
He then stated for the record that I didn’t have any witnesses present and then started to commence with the hearing—at which point I said, “Now hold on! Nobody told me that I could bring witnesses.”
He then said that I was informed that I could have witnesses present when I was handed the DR. I then said, ” No…. Because if I was told I could have a witness present, I would have brought them forward.”
He then looked at me and said, “Yeaaaaa… we’re still gonna move forward.”
I then said, “By not allowing me to have witnesses at my hearing then makes this hearing null and void.”
He then said again, “We’re moving forward with the hearing.”
At this point I knew I was getting railroaded, and I then said, “That’s it. What are your names?”
Person #1 (the adjustment board member) gave me his name and title.
Person #2 gave me her last name and title of Corporal.
Person #3 refused to give me her name (Corporal).At this point I said, “So let me get this straight… I’m in a hearing at a federal facility and you won’t let me bring a witness to a hearing – AND you won’t give me your names???”
At this point the guy running the meeting (from the adjustment board) said, “This Meeting Is Over!” and I believe that at this point he turned off the digital audio device.
I then told the guy running the meeting that I request a copy of the digital audio file to be sent to my lawyer. He said (and I quote) “That’s Not Gonna Happen!”
At this point all four of us walked out of the TV room. Once outside the TV room I then informed everyone in the main area of the pod that one of the officers that were in the hearing wouldn’t give me her name -AND- that they won’t allow me to have a witness at my own hearing. The fellas in the pod then started to go Booooooo… And some of them shouted “communists,” ” Nazis,” “kangaroo court.” At this point all 3 of the hearing committee left the pod.
So…. That was on Feb 7th.
Well, on Feb 10th at around 1am I was told that I needed to meet with a supervisor. The CO supervisor then handed me another DR in which I was now being handed 3 additional charges, which include:
- Inciting a riot (Class I Violation)
- Threatening conduct (Class II Violation)
- Impeding an employee in the performance of their duty (Class II Violation)
This second DR included a page and a half of their description of what they said occurred.
As expected, this DR is full of lies, such as, “At the start of the hearing Mr. Sabol’s questions were answered.”
This is of course absolute BS because I had only 1 question which was “Why can’t I have a witness at my hearing?” Note that I am STILL waiting for an answer to that question. And, of course, the 2nd DR makes no mention of me asking about having a witness.
…And finally… right on time and on cue… as expected, they play the race card by saying that someone in the main area yelled the “N” word. Not only did this not happen, but the CO that was in the main area during all of this had his body camera on, so there will be proof that their statement of what was said will be proven to be a lie.
So, after all this occurred, a bunch of us got to work and asked you Great American Patriots to come to our aid. Small articles were written about the “incident” and sent out to various groups who disseminated them further – ultimately making their way to some members of Congress. The U.S. Marshalls were also contacted and asked to get involved.
Well, IT WORKED because on Feb 13th I was pulled from the DC gulag and was taken to the DC Federal Courthouse where I had a meeting with two U.S. Marshalls who informed me that complaints had been made and that they were interviewing me as part of their investigation into what occurred on Feb 7th.
I then explained the entire situation and told them that they needed to get three things:
- The digital audio file from my Feb 7th hearing because if this digital audio file still exists then it will prove that my rights were violated during this hearing AND it will prove that the opening statements in my 2nd DR are a lie (i.e. my questions were not answered). If this digital audio file doesn’t exist, then they are guilty of destroying evidence. (FYI I have finally received the names of the 3 people that were holding the hearing. My lawyer has them)
- The next thing the Marshalls need to get is the body camera footage from the pod officer that was on duty in POD C2B at around 1pm on Feb 7, 2023. (I have the name of this CO. (My lawyer has this name). This bodycam video/audio will will prove that the “N” word was never used, thus proving that the person that wrote and signed the DR report thus perjured themself.
- …and finally, the Marshalls need to get the POD’s video from the “eye in the sky” cameras (there are 2 that I know of). This video will show that nobody was threatened.
So, where do things currently stand? Well, as of today (Feb 15th) the US Marshalls are looking into this, however, I have my reservations about this investigation because they refused to allow me to get my paperwork (which was in another room) so I could give them the names of the three members of the hearing.
But, I will reserve my judgement until I (WE) see what they do (or do not) uncover.
As you can imagine, I of course have my lawyer involved, and we are also in the process of trying to acquire the three items described above. As part of this process my lawyer has contacted the jail’s legal department but as of the date I am writing this (Feb 15th) the jail’s legal department has not responded.
Punishment: As of right now, because I was found guilty of the charges on the first DR I have had my phone, commissary, and visitation denied for an unknown period of time.
If I am found guilty of the 3 charges on the 2nd DR (which are much more serious) I can be sent to the hole for 30 days (or more). Also, they can try and elevate the “Inciting a Riot” charge to what is called a “street level charge” which if found guilty is (I believe) a 5 year charge.
Although this is unlikely, it is possible (I mean – look where I am!).
They can also try and add additional street charges like Intimidating/Impeding an Officer (which is known as an 111a charge). Unlikely, but again… Look where I am.
And then there is their ultimate goal for doing all of this, which is to build up bogus internal jail violations that can then be used against me at sentencing… When all I did was stand up for my Constitutional rights… and for that I am being punished.
So there you have it. If you stand with me, then Please Get Involved! That means contact your congress people. Ask them to FOIA request the three items listed above AND the DRs so they can see for themselves.
Call them.
Write them.
Visit them.Demand that they FOIA this info
Demand an End to our Abuse
Demand our Release
Demand that they Investigate J6
Demand that they Do Their Jobs
DEMAND THE TRUTHGod Bless You All – and – God Bless America.
Jeff Sabol
DC Gulag #376906
The effectiveness of community calling and writing campaigns cannot be ignored, even by leftwing media:
- Washington Post: “Complaints by White people incarcerated… for their involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection spurred an investigation… into the conditions at the D.C. jail.”
- CNN: “Insurrectionists’ jail complaints lead to overdue reform within DC’s jail system”
- Washington Post: Judge raises concern for the “more than just inept…possibility of deliberate mistreatment” after finding rights abuses
The ripple effect has not only been attention on the unjustly detained pre-trial January 6th defendants, but for the vulnerable people who have suffered the abuse of this hellscape for far too many years. We are making a difference, America!
Jeffrey Sabol is a 56 year old geophysicist from Colorado, who was was among those entrapped in the horror and chaos of the West Terrace Tunnel, which was the site of the murder of Rosanne Boyland and countless emerging stories of abuse against unarmed women and the elderly. Consider showing your support for him here, or by contacting his congressional representative Brittany Petterson (D) to report his ongoing civil and human rights abuses here.
Kelly Wilde is an advocate for the January 6ers and contributor to C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution, an organization founded by Cara Castronuova that fights for the political prisoners of January 6th). She maintains the site www.wearegoodmen.com, a place to get to know the Jan 6ers in their own words. To submit a tip, contact her at kellyforfreedom@protonmail.com.
The post This Easter Please Remember The Jan 6ers Who Suffer in the DC Gulag appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.